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RPA Projectathon [03 Nov, 2020 to 12 Nov, 2020]
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RPA Projectathon [03 Nov, 2020 to 12 Nov, 2020]
RPA Teams' students need to complete UiPath course before Projectathon and based on that they will be issued UiPath Certificate from MIET RPA Academy
Teams need to get their Design Poster & Task List signed-off by assigned Mentors before Projectathon
Task-list of teams in Projectathon
Login/Logout of the Web Portal
HTML Form (Excel upload / Google Sheet URL / Relevant Input Forms)
RPA Bot (varying task per team)
Dashboard with relevant visualization(s)
Deliverable of Projectathon
Code is to be committed in GitHub Repository by 11-Nov-2020
Presentation with embedded Video Demonstration to be uploaded in the project's shared Google Drive folder
Evaluation Criteria and Certificate
Teams would be rated from 1 to 5 based on the number of and quality of implementations of the task list
The participation certificate will be issued to all active participants.
Mentoring and Mode of Projectathon
Projectathon will be conducted in online mode through Google Meet without impacting classwork.
Students will be discussing doubts and reporting progress to their mentors through email.
Mentors will also be available for discussion over Google Meet (
) with the following timings:
Common Discussion with all students: 03-Nov-2020, 04-Nov-2020 & 12-Nov-2020 (04:00 PM to 05:00 PM)
5 projects mentored by Mr. Purnendu Prabhat & Mr. Ateek Kohli [availability: 05-Nov-2020 to 11-Nov-2020 (04:00 PM to 05:00 PM)]
3 projects mentored by Mr. Sunil Kumar [availability: 05-Nov-2020 to 11-Nov-2020 (04:00 PM to 05:00 PM)]
3 projects mentored by Ms. Veena Tripathi [availability: 05-Nov-2020 to 11-Nov-2020 (03:00 PM to 04:00 PM)]