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RPA Projectathon [03 Nov, 2020 to 12 Nov, 2020]

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RPA Projectathon [03 Nov, 2020 to 12 Nov, 2020]


  • RPA Teams' students need to complete UiPath course before Projectathon and based on that they will be issued UiPath Certificate from MIET RPA Academy
  • Teams need to get their Design Poster & Task List signed-off by assigned Mentors before Projectathon

Task-list of teams in Projectathon

  • Login/Logout of the Web Portal
  • HTML Form (Excel upload / Google Sheet URL / Relevant Input Forms)
  • RPA Bot (varying task per team)
  • Dashboard with relevant visualization(s)

Deliverable of Projectathon

  • Code is to be committed in GitHub Repository by 11-Nov-2020
  • Presentation with embedded Video Demonstration to be uploaded in the project's shared Google Drive folder

Evaluation Criteria and Certificate

  • Teams would be rated from 1 to 5 based on the number of and quality of implementations of the task list
  • The participation certificate will be issued to all active participants.

Mentoring and Mode of Projectathon

  • Projectathon will be conducted in online mode through Google Meet without impacting classwork.
  • Students will be discussing doubts and reporting progress to their mentors through email.
  • Mentors will also be available for discussion over Google Meet (Link) with the following timings:
    • Common Discussion with all students: 03-Nov-2020, 04-Nov-2020 & 12-Nov-2020 (04:00 PM to 05:00 PM)
    • 5 projects mentored by Mr. Purnendu Prabhat & Mr. Ateek Kohli [availability: 05-Nov-2020 to 11-Nov-2020 (04:00 PM to 05:00 PM)]
    • 3 projects mentored by Mr. Sunil Kumar [availability: 05-Nov-2020 to 11-Nov-2020 (04:00 PM to 05:00 PM)]
    • 3 projects mentored by Ms. Veena Tripathi [availability: 05-Nov-2020 to 11-Nov-2020 (03:00 PM to 04:00 PM)]